The AI Act: More Than Just for Show

Marleen and Christine from PwC will deepdive into the AI Act, a groundbreaking legislative framework by the European Union, aimed at regulating artificial intelligence. The session will provide a comprehensive overview of the Act's key provisions, including risk-based classifications of AI systems, stringent compliance requirements, and the potential penalties for non-compliance.

We will explore how the AI Act is set to impact financial services, from customer service chatbots, credit scoring and risk assessment and pricing of life and health insurance, and the steps institutions must take to align with the new regulations. By the end of the session, you will gain insights into how to navigate this new legal framework, ensuring your AI systems are not only compliant but also leveraged to maintain a competitive edge in the rapidly evolving digital landscape of finance. Deep dive: These sessions offer the opportunity to delve into the details, a bit of nerding if you like. Some topics cannot be sufficiently covered in a 10 minutes talk, and we have therefore set aside this stage to learn more in depth about the topics you need to understand.


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